Stage 4 Cancer- Doctors Don’t Tell you THIS…Live QA

I sit down and chat LIVE with Ronnie Campbell(Learn more about Ronnie- here – and @BlessingsOnMyJourney Jeff who both have been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. They have a powerful message and method and regime that the majority of doctors don’t talk about.


Carnivore Documentary: We are in the process of creating a documentary on the carnivore diet, aiming to share it with the world. Our goal is to follow real people who have adopted the carnivore diet for a year, including those who are obese, diabetic, or have arthritis. However, we cannot make this project possible without your assistance. Visit our website to participate or learn more: Support our Carnivore Diet Documentary by purchasing Compassionate Carnivore T-Shirts and Merchandise here: Join our channel to access incredible perks, support our documentary, and gain insider access:


1 thought on “Stage 4 Cancer- Doctors Don’t Tell you THIS…Live QA”

  1. Hi Kerry, I am a 59 year old woman who has been in chronic pain since I was 45 I have not been able to work since then. I have had a couple of back surgeries I have the generative disk arthritis in my back and scoriosis. I have had both of my knees replacomma and recently I’ve been having excruciating pain in my hips and doctors are saying I might need hip surgery but my BMI is too high and I need to bring it down to 40 from 50 and Steve in order to have the surgery they say I need.

    My best friend also suffers from chronic pain and it was in need of some leg surgery. She had been bed-bound for 2 years and had gained quite a bit of weight she was up to 235 which is high for her when she usually weighs around 150. She saw a picture of herself at 235 and decided she wanted to lose weight and told her boyfriend. Her and her boyfriend had tried keto before She lost some weight but gained it right back. Her boyfriend Found your videos Kerry, And the both of them started carnivore. Then I saw my girlfriend in September for my birthday and I was incredibly impressed with her weight loss and that her pain has gone down so much, she had so much energy. She told me what she was doing and her and her boyfriend sent me videos to watch. After the weekend of watching You are videos and Dr. Chaffee’and Dr Berry’s videos I was ready to start. I became carnivore October 1st I decided to do it on the first so it’s easy for me to keep track of how many days I’ve been carnivore.
    I started carnivore weighing 324 lbs. I also have a large amount of healing to do. With day 35 my weight loss is 10 lbs. If you would like to use me or my story and my adventure going forward go ahead and get ahold of me and we can talk.
    Thank you,
    Kimberly (not Kim)


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